Adding SCons Proto Builder Shortcut

This is the fourteenth post in my SCons series. The topic of this post is adding a shortcut for the custom SCons Protoc builder from the previous episodes.

The shortcut is in line with the SConscript simplification approach described in an earlier episode. In this installment, I add a new Proto shortcut to the collection, so the address book SConscript can look like this:

"""AddressBook proto-based library SConscript script"""


AbProtos = ['person.proto', 'addressbook.proto']

Lib('addressbook', protos=AbProtos)

The final result is available on my GitHub scons-series repository.

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Fixing the Protoc SCons Builder

This is the thirteenth post in my SCons series.

In the previous episode I integrated Protoc, an existing custom builder, in my SCons project.

This post will demonstrate how this builder fails with non-trivial projects, and suggest some fixes and improvements.

I wanted to share my proposed fix via the SCons wiki page, but I couldn’t create a user… I’d appreciate if someone with access to that wiki could assist 🙂 .

The final result is available on my GitHub scons-series repository.

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The Protoc Builder: Compiling Protocol Buffers With SCons

This is the twelfth post in my SCons series. This posts continues exploring ways to work with protocol buffers in a SCons project.

In the previous episode I covered the manual approach to using protocol buffers in a SCons project. As mentioned there, SCons does not know how to compile .proto files into C++ and Python code out of the box.

This post will take the integration a step further, by actually using SCons to compile .proto files.

I am definitely not the first one to suggest this SCons extension. I started using the SCons ProtocBuilder by Scott Stafford. It worked fine for my needs, until it didn’t. This post focuses on integrating Scott’s builder as is. Future posts will deal with fixes and improvements.

The final result is available on my GitHub scons-series repository.

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How To Use Protocol Buffers In a SCons Project, Take 1

This is the eleventh post in my SCons series. This post starts exploring ways to work with protocol buffer files in a SCons project.

Protocol buffers are a structured-data-serialization mechanism from Google. This is not a tutorial on protocol buffers. I will use the address book project example that appears in the official protocol buffers tutorial.

When using protocol buffers, you write .proto files to describe your structured data. You use the protoc compiler to generate C++ and Python code that allows you to serialize, load, and manipulate your protocol buffers data.

Out of the box, SCons does not know how to compile .proto files into C++ and Python code. The purpose of this post is to start exploring ways to integrate protocol buffers in the build process. The first iteration is based on manual “integration”.

The final result is available on my GitHub scons-series repository.

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