Shell Foo: Random Log Sampling

Say you’re executing some long-running program (maybe a service) multiple times. Each execution creates a new log file in /tmp/. Log files are named something like Each log entry is a line of text in the file, containing the log level (e.g. “ERROR”, “INFO”, etc.).

How would you choose a random sample of 10 error messages from the latest execution?

Shell-Foo credit for this one: Eyal Fink.

Shell-Foo is a series of fun ways to take advantage of the powers of the shell. In the series, I highlight shell one-liners that I found useful or interesting. Most of the entries should work on bash on Linux, OS X and other UNIX-variants. Some probably work with other shells as well. Your mileage may vary.

Feel free to suggest your own Shell-Foo one-liners!

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Local WordPress Sandbox With Bitnami On OS X

By Monday, October 27, 2014 0 , , Permalink 1

Whether you want to start your own WordPress-powered site, or you’re a WordPress developer – a local WordPress installation is a useful tool. Luckily, with the Bitnami WordPress stack, it’s also a breeze to set up!

WordPress, as a PHP-based web application, requires a full-blown web stack to run. At the very least, you’ll need a PHP-enabled web server, and a database engine. An often-used combination is the LAMP stack, which stands for Linux, Apache, MySQL & PHP.

Setting up a full stack on your own is definitely possible. For most, it’s not considered a fun way to spend an afternoon (or a weekend, if things get hairy). Got several computers with different OSes? Expect a completely different experience with each one…

Enter Bitnami. In a nutshell, Bitnami provides pre-configured, self-contained, application stacks for many popular web applications. And they do it for Windows, Linux, and OS X! Want to install a local WordPress stack? Simply download the installer for your platform, run it, and rejoice!

This short how-to post demonstrates installing a WordPress Bitnami stack on OS X.

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Getting Rid of Redundant Import In SConscripts

This is the seventh post in my SCons series. The topic of this post is getting rid of the last bit of overhead in SConscript files – the Import('*') line.

According the the SCons user guide, a SConscript files needs to Import('...') shared symbols. It’s possible to import all exported symbols with Import('*'). This is the method I used in previous episodes to make shortcuts available in module-level SConscript files

Perhaps you’re fine with this little remaining overhead in every SConscript file. After all, it’s not such a big deal. With the wildcard syntax, you will never need to go over old SConscript files and update their import list when you add a new shortcut.

If you prefer your SConscript files as minimal as possible, here’s a dirty little hack I use. Instead of passing the shortcuts dictionary to a delegated SConscript file using the exports argument, I modify the _SConscript.GlobalDictdirectly before invoking the SConscript() function.

Using my example project, you may recall from the previous episode how the delegation looks like:

def process_module(self, module):
    print 'scons: |- Reading module', module, '...'
    # Execute the SConscript file, with variant_dir set to the
    #  module dir under the project flavored build dir.
        variant_dir=os.path.join(self._env['BUILDROOT'], module),

The hack is a minor modification of this snippet:

def process_module(self, module):
    print 'scons: |- Reading module', module, '...'
    # Execute the SConscript file, with variant_dir set to the
    #  module dir under the project flavored build dir.
        variant_dir=os.path.join(self._env['BUILDROOT'], module))

The result of the hack is that the shortcuts are injected directly into the global dictionary. This means that these symbols are available in SConscript files, without any call to Import(..)!

As always, the entire project is available on my GitHub scons-series repository. Feel free to use / fork / modify. If you do, I’d appreciate it if you share back improvements.

See the scons tag for more in my SCons series.

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How to Simplify Your SConscripts

This is the sixth post in my SCons series. The topic of this post is building reusable infrastructure that can extremely simplify your module-level SConscript files.

Starting with the first non-trivial SCons project, the module-level SConscript files contained too much repetitive code. The goal of this enhancement is to go back to minimalistic SConscript files. The objective is to let the developer define the module-level targets with minimal code, and no hassle.

I continue using the same C++ project that I introduced in the basic example. In this post I present SCons shortcuts that are available in module-level SConscript files. These shortcuts are Python functions that take care of dirty details behind the scenes.

The final result is available on my GitHub scons-series repository.

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Integrating SCons Flavors with the Terminal

This is the fifth post in my SCons series. The topic of this post is improving the previous multi-flavor project via terminal integration.

It can be a hassle to handle multi-flavor projects. In the multi-flavor project post, I suggested a solution to simplify the multi-flavor build process. Using that solution, you just run scons flavor_name to build a specific flavor. But there’s still room for improvement! If you want to run a program you just built, you still need to specify the path to the flavored executable.

For example, say you built a project with a program named say_hi in the module hello. You built it by running scons debug. To run it you execute ./build/debug/hello/say_hi. It can be a hassle to write ./build/debug over and over. Even worse, it’s the first time you need to know about the layout of the build directory. Up until now, such details were nicely hidden in the config file.

In addition, you may often want to work with just one flavor. You may be developing a new feature, and you want to only build and run the debug flavor. If you run scons without the debug argument, all flavors will be built. This can be annoying and time consuming.

In this post, I suggest a helper script to make things simpler. The purpose of the script is to allow you to activate a flavor in a terminal session. While a flavor is active, magical things happen:

  1. Running scons with no arguments builds only the active flavor.
  2. The executable programs of the active flavor can be executed more conveniently.
  3. The active flavor is indicated in the terminal prompt.

The final result is available on my GitHub scons-series repository. In the rest of this post I go into the details of the helper script and related changes.

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The Right Way to Get the Directory of a bash Script

By Wednesday, October 8, 2014 0 , , , Permalink 4

When writing bash scripts, you might want to get the directory that contains your script. There are multiple ways to accomplish that. Due to the flexibility of bash, some solutions work in some cases, but not in others.

In this post, I evolve from a naive solution to a robust and consistent solution for this common problem. Spoiler – a “good enough” middle ground that I often use is "$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )", as long as I know that symbolic links are out of the game.

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Multi-Flavored SCons Project

This is the fourth post in my SCons series. The topic of this post is setting up a multi-flavor C++ project using SCons, with a separate build directory. By “flavor”, I mean something like debug vs. release.

In C++ projects, it is common to build multiple variants, or flavors, of the project. A debug flavor may build more quickly, and contain debug symbols. A release flavor may perform optimizations for runtime or other metrics. The different flavors serve different purposes, and they all can co-exist. The developer may choose which flavor(s) to build and run as she pleases.

In this post, I show how to use SCons to manage multiple flavors in a C++ project. My requirements from flavor support in a SCons-powered C++ project:

  1. Define flavor profiles easily. Allow to customize construction parameters per-flavor. Support common parameters that can be overridden by flavors.
  2. Support flavor-specific build directory. Build outputs should reside under their flavor build directory. Multiple flavors can co-exist at the same time, without interfering with each other. Incremental builds can be done per-flavor.
  3. Let the developer choose what to build. Allow choosing one flavor, all flavors, or any subset. Syntax should be simple and intuitive.
  4. The developer can execute built programs at any flavor she wants.

I add multi-flavor support on top of the previous episode in the series.

The final result is available on my GitHub scons-series repository. In the rest of this post I go into the details of what I came up with.

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Multi-Module SCons Project With Separate Build Directory

By Thursday, September 25, 2014 0 , , Permalink 3

This is the third post in my SCons series. The topic of this post is setting up a multi-module C++ project using SCons, with a separate build directory.

In previous posts in the series I introduced the SCons open source build tool, and described a simple C++ example project that uses SCons.

In this post I use the exact same C++ project from the basic example. I rewrite the build scripts, using SCons, to achieve the following properties:

  1. Divide the project into distinct modules. A module maps to a directory in the project tree. Each module contains a SConscript file, describing the targets included in that module.
  2. Separate the build output directory from the module source code directories. I like my project tree clean and tidy, without object files scattered between source files.
  3. Allow build targets in modules to refer to other targets in other modules easily. This is required, for example, when a program in one module uses functions from a static library in another module.

The final result is available on my GitHub scons-series repository. In the rest of this post I explain the details of what I came up with.

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Launching the Command Prompt from Anywhere with AutoHotKey

When working on my Windows laptop, I often find myself needing to launch a new command prompt. The need usually arises in the active folder in Windows Explorer, or in Total Commander (my favorite file manager on Windows).

This happens pretty often, so I decided to create a keyboard shortcut to automate the process. To do this, I used AutoHotKey – the awesome Windows automation tool.

Properties and features of the AHK script I came up with:

  • Invoked with a keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Alt+T (so it’s consistent with launching the terminal in Linux).
  • If in Windows Explorer – start the command prompt in the current directory.
  • If in Total Commander – start the command prompt in the current directory of the active pane.
  • Otherwise, use a default directory (e.g., the home directory).

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Android Call Logs Backup

The call logs on Android devices are stored in a database on the device, holding your records of incoming and outgoing calls. At this time, Android has no built-in mechanism that synchronizes this database with some online cloud service (compared, for instance, to the contacts data, that can be synchronized to your Google Contacts account).

If you consider your call logs something of any value, you will probably want to make sure this data is covered by some backup scheme – and this is what I am going to deal with in this post.

I use the Call Logs Backup & Restore app, which is free on Google Play store.

This post is written using v3.02 of the app.

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